Press coverage of the recent NSF CAREER award for beetles
News article and a podcast!

Congratulations to Molly
Molly advances to PhD candidacy

Matthew is awarded $1.2 million from the NSF!

Molly and Jorge's turtle nesting paper is published!
Patterns and consequences of turtle nesting across an urbanization gradient

Malaclemys terrapin Reference Genome now Available!
The genome you have all been waiting for...

Congratulations to Iwo
Iwo advances to PhD candidacy

Congratulations to Jarious
Off to a summer research experience in Genomic Medicine

Philipp's Nature Ecology and Evolution paper is published!
How can seed beetles evolve sexual size dimorphism

Postdoc Position Available
The Wolak and Schwartz Labs are looking for genomic expertise

Congratulations Master Matt
Successful MSc thesis defense

Announcing the 2020 Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics Conference

Summer 2020 NSF Aquatic Ecology Research Experience for Undergraduates
Call for Auburn NSF REU applications

Turtle Week Fall 2019
Like Shark Week, but with actual science...

Destination STEM 2019
Video games that bring QG Evolutionary Ecology to students

NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
Call for NSF Postdoc fellowship applications

REU poster session 2019
A bittersweet farewell to Jorge

Evolution Conference 2019
The annual Evolution conference

Beetle Olympics!
Sport at its finest

A visit to Texas Tech
Fear, frogs, fire, & Buddy Holly: my visit to TTU