The beginning of the end of summer is here, with the 2019 Warm Water Aquatic Ecology REU final poster presentation at the Auburn University Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art. The art museum was a beautiful setting for this poster session (and the museum’s pond is a spot where we took our REU student Jorge to look for turtle nests on his first day in the field here!) and all 10 presenters were well prepared and did a superb job talking about their science.

Jorge did an excellent job presenting his poster and got lucky that no one asked him about the details behind the analyses using Bayesian inference for measuring differences in variance between the canopy openness of natural and randomized nest locations… He came a long way analyzing his data and now has a taste of using R, doing linear mixed models, and Bayesian inference. He handled it all with a smile and a thumbs up, but I’m not surprised given he is undaunted by data analysis, timber rattlesnakes, summer fieldwork, and chigger bites!

Jorge and the rest of the REUs have now left Auburn and we’ll miss them! Best of luck everyone!