We are just back from the joint annual conference for the American Society of Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution, and The Society of Systematic Biologists. This year the conference was in Providence, RI from June 21-25 and like always it was exhausting and invigorating at the same time! Though I think the QGEE-ers from the group (myself, Maria Joao, and Jake Botello) were all inspired and couldn’t wait to get back to work in Auburn!

Lightning poster
Of course, the most impressive performance at the conference goes to Joao - hands down! She presented a poster relating to the first project she is working on for her postdoc after only having started the position 10 days earlier. Not to mention, in those few days between starting and standing in front of her poster at Evolution (see picture above) she was also busy sorting out her life after an international move. The poster seemed to be a success all around and is an initial step in building on theory for the evolution of sexual dimorphism with respect to quantitative genetic variation on the autosomes and sex chromosomes. At her impressive pace, stay tuned for the paper in another month…